Thursday, January 10, 2013

Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

The Health Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

Allow me to take some attention off coconut water for a moment, and shed light on another beverage growing in popularity — aloe vera juice. Growing up, we used aloe vera leaves on burns since the sap acts as a pain reliever and reduced inflammation. But drinking actual aloe vera juice? I had noticed it in health food stores, but had never actually tried it before.

After reading about aloe vera's healing benefits, I decided to pick up a bottle. Forewarning: aloe vera juice has a strong pungent taste, so if you can't cope with taking it straight, mix it in your morning smoothie or add it to a fruit drink. The recommended serving of this non-toxic beverage is one teaspoon after meals.
Although the juice is reputed to help with asthma and boost immune system, keep reading to see what it has been proven helpful for.
Curing constipation: Aloe vera juice encourages the bowels to move and helps with elimination if a person is constipated. After sipping the juice, it takes about 10 hours for aloe to get things going. Be careful about relying on this cure, using aloe for a long time can be dangerous for the lining of the intestines.
Blood sugar level: Early research suggests that aloe vemakes you healthyra juice can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. However, more thorough testing is needed to determine how beneficial aloe is in the situation, since studies have had conflicting results.
Lower cholesterol: Although the data is considered insufficient to support this claim, there is a small amount of evidence that suggests taking aloe orally can lower cholesterol. Once again, more studies are needed to see if aloe fulfills this promise.
Drinking aloe vera has not been shown to strengthen the immune system, nor is there any evidence to suggest aloe can cure ulcers or reduce inflammation and pain.
Have you tried this juice? What do you think?

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